A visit of local galleries after a month spent in Paris, brought me at
The Front, in the Saint-Claude district. Surprise, the entry was blocked by a huge heap of earth, dug from the gallery's backyard. What is happening?
Ballenger and Pasco filled the room with (barrels of) water in the past.
RAMPART: Positive +Negative, Jonathan Taube and Imen Djouini's installation is not about ecological disasters but tackles another burning subject: borders and their implications. Along the wall, three photographs printed from Google Earth user's imagebank (Palestine, Texas and North Korea) remind us that the landscape, officially a border, can look very romantic. The simple installation brings reflections about displaced populations.
Along the walls of the two backrooms, photographs from the Chicago-based artist
Judy Natal. Future Perfect confront the viewer with the semi-reality or the half-dream of a possible world built through the interaction between nature and humans. With her camera she makes us travel from New Mexico to Iceland and other sites, keeping a poetic approach to a difficult subject.

Staple Goods gallery is all lights with the works from
Cynthia Scott. The title of the exhibition
"Lumieres" resumes the show. Previously featured at the
CAC, the artist this time has created a more intimate display to fit the size of the gallery.
photographs by the author
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